Updated Goddess
report tomorrow
the secret is out
.. It's the time of year When the water is warmer than the air. Right now it's twenty degrees on a balmy Friday morning and time to dash to Yellowstone for a big fish or tomorrow
the secret is out
.. The Madison River and The Firehole River have both been deserted by the hoards of visitors and the dedicated have replaced them. The influx of fish has slowed and it's grind it out time. This is the time that you need to be able to find the right deep hole. We'll let you know tomorrow.

.. We're going to see our favorite guide in about three weeks. You can read why our anticipation is quickened by the prospect HERE. She's always worth a grin.
.. Mark Powell over at BlogFish has been grinding out the state of our oceans and reminds us that fishing, as well as warming causes changes.
.. There is a summary of some of the scientific research on related topics by Kevin Vranes over at No Se Nada, as well as an interesting political note and some insight into the way politics - science - and baseball hang together.

.. In the campaign to Protect Your Waters there is a note about the increased growth of Eurasian Watermilfoil in the Upper Sac. The sad state of affairs has gone unnoticed and largely unreported. A note in the Central Valley Business Times gives some details.
.. Some welcomed positive action is coming out of the recent conference in Jackson. Simms & Patagonia are joining with the concerned fishers of the world to help keep the public information campaign going and growing - READ IT HERE.
Those of you wishing to join the Bikini Battles can travel to Sword Fishing Central for the ultimate source of beautiful babes who catch fish. Or go to The Girls Of Gaff for pretty girls that pose with fish.
The secret is out.
The secret is out.