fishing good as park closes

.. The lines at the glory holes have been shorter this year than in the last few years, and there has been more fishing than waiting at 9-mile, Barns, Bakers, Locals, and Rosie's, holes.
.. The less fished areas have produced well and if you're here this week; try the Gibbon, Tuff Cliffs Slick, Grayling Meadows, Falls Pool, No Name Bend.
.. Your fly box can show just a bit of variety: Muddlers, Leeches, Soft Hackles, Stiff Hackles, Woolly Buggers, Woolly Worms, Rubber Legs, Dark Spruce, and assorted nymphs, (big is better because the Mountain Whitefish are on the prowl.)

.. Click on over to Flytimes for a recent report on the Madison River and fishing during the last chance in Yellowstone . . . . it's good.
.. Get to The Trout Underground for a report on the heavenly grass and a report on Wally. It's too soon to send flowers, but a word of condolences may be in order.
.. Opportunity awaits at Ass Hooked Whitey for writers and bloggers and others willing to associate themselves with a new effort.
.. As always, a trip to Flyfishmagazine will enlighten you about small flies, and recent reports in the fishing world - bless their hearts.

.. The hard working staff at Protect Your Waters reminds us about the Asian Milfoil problem in California and Idaho. This water weed has now combined with a native plant to produce a choking invader of significant magnitude, and poses control problems. Read it here. They also remind us of the impending threat to the Great Lakes fishery by the Asian Carp; it seems only a matter of time.