pick your spots with care
.. The snow has come and gone several times in the last week. Fishing has been very good on the west side of Yellowstone National Park. The casuals have left the room, and left some room. The thin water of the upper reaches of the spawning streams are beginning to see large fish, and the lighter gravels of the Redd's are apparent from a distance.
.. Large fish are still moving, and the neighbors know where they are. We suggest that you visit the Madison River Outfitter's Report, and Blue Ribbon Flies Report, for exceptionally accurate and up-to-date information. There is good fishing to be had, and the snow is just mildly irritating. Frosty guides will be less of a nuisance if you use a bit of WD-40.
.. We are beginning to clean and store our light gear. When we lived on the ocean it was simple enough - just take a shower with your stuff. The cleaning of cane is easy, just a damp cloth and some carnuba. The reels need some lighter fluid and then light machine oil or a dab of c-moly grease. Wipe them on the outside with a soft rag with a bit of pledge, (just a bit!) We store ours in clean cotton sweat socks.

.. We discovered another use for Tonkin Cane - A "WOODY" - what a treat.
.. The big fish of the NW Coast call. We're listening.
.. The gift that Yellowstone gives is one of reflection and anticipation. We can now reflect on the past year and anticipate the next. We can let the fish rest and turn our attention to other - related - activities. There's several gross of flies to tie. There is everything we put off to catch up with. There is maintenance and repair. And, there is the park in winter - a gift in itself.