Even Brookies Love Rain
streamers hot
big hens arrive
protect your waters
protect your waters
.. The lack of recent posting can be attributed to the foul weather and the fine fishing. The 'on again - off again' weather has been just about perfect for the Baetis and their propensity to find scuzzy weather to hatch in. They then, with the aplomb of a spinning Dervish, flutter to the only break in the clouds - such timing.
.. This will be brief because the clouds are low again, and we have to take our fish for a walk.

.. The Madison River is drawing a lot of attention because of the rain and the fresh recharge. As each spate of high water reaches Hebgen Lake it draws more spawners to the river. The fish love to move to their parking places during dark and overcast periods. They hold tight in the sunny spells and it's a deep slow fly, (on the nose,) that takes them. This is where local knowledge and a good guide can make your day. Use a Dark Spruce Fly, (4 - 8,) or a Rubber Legs, (2 - 6,) or a big soft hackle.

..The big hens are traditionally moving in the middle of the run, and they are here. These are typical, well fed lake fish with smallish heads and

.. The Firehole River has been rediscovered and is proving to be a worthy partner in the dance. The Baetis are small, plentiful, and hard to see. The fish are in the fall feeding mode and are not too selective yet. Size is really what counts. Tie on a 18 - 22 floater and go one-on-one with a fish that you can see rising. Pause between casts, be slow in your approach, don't cast too far - you need the control.
.. If you are lucky enough to find a sunny afternoon a Big Wing Sparkle Caddis, (orange or green; 12 - 16,) will be the ticket to dance on the Gibbon River, the Gallatin River, the Firehole River, and the Madison River. For the resident fish and the precocious males a soft hackle or Montana Duster is always a good bet.
.. The Brookies in the upper Gallatin River have come alive. These delightful little jewels are bright and eager right now. Just about any attractor on the surface and any nymph will produce. Forget the silly thought that Obsidian Creek is for kids only. The Brookies in the giant slick by the only rock on the trail are in the most vivid colors of the year - and - hungry. The same can be said for Indian Creek too!
.. The rains have put the color to the Lamar River and Soda Butte Creek. Slough Creek is a tea color and barely fishable. There are still drakes, and a midge hatch is almost guarenteed for these Fall days. If you're brave, technically proficient, and lucky these rivers will provide you with good fishing for about a week to ten days more. The snow usually deters the fisher folks more than the fish.

.. Protect Your Waters reports that while authorities around the world are trying to keep the deadly virus KHV out of their waters, scientists in Australia have started a study to investigate whether they should introduce it - LINK.
.. They also let us know that it is waterfowl hunters turn to help stop aquatic hitchhikers by taking steps to avoid inadvertently transporting aquatic invasive species during the hunting season. Without the proper precautions, invasive species such as purple loosestrife, Eurasian watermilfoil and zebra mussels could be transported in waterfowl hunters' boats, decoys or blind material - LINK.

.. As we suspected the blogger convention in the wet Northern California wilds are keeping warm the old fashioned way. The picture shows a fire, but the real warmers are in the shadows to the right. Drink on! LINK.
.. Moldy Chum persists in one-upping the anty in the Bikini Wars. Good-on-'em!
.. Politics invades the science of oceanography as Blogfish tells us that the politico's don't like the term "Dead Zone" - tough nuts guys - it was and is. LINK.
.. Fishing Jones comes through by telling us about a story of a quest for the Marble Trout of Slovinia. We especially appreciate this fish, (and have shaken fins with it,) - it's natural and genetic history suggest that it is analogous to the early in-migrating ancestral trout of western North America. The marble Trout is a Brown Trout relative of amazing size, secrecy, rarity, and beauty. Thanks for the story. LINK.
.. Kevin Vranes, as always, brings us some frightening news about the affect of global warming and the waters that we love and need - this is important! LINK.