good links for you
don't catch 'em all

.. The weather mavens may have gotten it right this time. We're going out to check.
.. The clouds are low, the visitors are running out of town, the rivers are slate gray, and the trout of my dreams beacons.
.. This is brief - sorry no apologies.
.. The Montana Standard has an exceptionally long and pertinent article about this very day and this very condition. Good report and prognosis.
.. Even ABC NEWS is aware of our anxious attitude, and reported the weather for this region - LINK.
.. One brief mention of the sad outcome of unauthorized transplantation of fish in one of our National Parks - THE SCOURGE OF THE FLATHEAD MINNOW - LINK.
.. When Fishing in Yellowstone, (during the rut & post-rut,) it's wise to remember that since we protect the large mammals to the point of docility -THEY ARE STILL DANGEROUS - LINK.
.. The coffee's cold, the pot is empty, the is danish done - it's time! Gone Fishing!