give it a good home!
river report

.. A few days ago we posted a short note about the Baghdad School Of Fly Fishing. We noted that this was an excellent use of Royal Palace Ponds for down time for our troops.
.. We've since exchanged emails with Navy Lieutenant Joel Stewart. He is in Rhode Island and on his way to San Diego. He's a bit embarrassed that the attention is on him and not the school - that is still functioning - and catching some awesome fish on a fly rod!

.. If you, like the rest of us, have things that you'll never use again, (where the hell did that box of hackle come from?,) you can be sure that they'll be much appreciated by the folks in Baghdad. The school has an impressive list of official sponsors that are doing their part. And, as we all know, the military is famous for doing more with less. Give 'em a hand with materials and equipment.
.. These guys and gals are under fire daily, (and we cry when a fish escapes.) Check out the Baghdad School Of Fly Fishing, and the Field & Stream article. If you've got some extra materials or, tie a gross of flies, or a good rod-reel-or whatever contact them.

.. The Madison River is fishing pretty good in the evening. The light is gone by 8:00 PM, so adjust your schedule. National Park Meadow and the confluence with the Gibbon River has produced some nice fish on a large, (8 - 10,) caddis followed by a floating Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear, (16 - 18.) Check out the big rock at 9-Mile Hole. Use a Dark Spruce Fly, and be sure you fish the banks before you wade out to the holding water.
.. The weather is still a bit warm for this time of year. Bad for the streams, good for the lakes. Gulpers are still working the Madison Arm of Hebgen Lake. The fish are getting antsy. Try some small flying ants, (14 - 16,) along with your Trico and Calibaetis offerings. Remember that a Hopper-Dropper rig will work here too. Be sure to cast well ahead of the fish and have patience.
.. Slough Creek along the road and in the flats has become the technical challenge of the year. Hoppers, (if absolutely perfectly presented) will work. Small beetles and very small caddis too. No splashing allowed. There is a grumpy bear in first and second meadow. Carry bear spray, sing ribald songs, fish with a friend.