This is quick

.. The blustery weather left our little town with just some fisher folk and some blue sky. We did, however, find some clouds for a photo. This will be the last bluebird day for a spell as the weather gurus have predicted more fish-moving bluster for the coming few days.
.. It's nice to see the snow on the peaks surrounding the Hebgen Basin. It's nicer that the fish have perked up.
.. The "Big Water" Madison River is experiencing a resurgence of bites. This has been followed by a near record hatch of drift boats. The "Bunny & Bead" hatch is about to begin. Visit The folks at Madison River Fishing Company for a full report on the coming festival of Fall. Those guys in Ennis have all the fun.
.. The 'shop rats' at Madison River Outfitters have come through with the secret to the fresh run of fish in the park. Visit their report for a better view of fish than I've had in a day or two, LINK.
.. The folks at Blue Ribbon Flies have busted loose with an excellent fishing report that reveals some good information - the stuff of glory. They have it right, LINK.
.. Bud Lilly's Trout Shop has discovered where the fish are. The quote of the day from these neighbors: "The big boys (and girls) are showing in the Madison all the way to the junction." LINK.
.. Have there been more folks on your rivers and in your woods? Do you want to know why? Check out the NewWest site for the results of a new, (and scientifically valid,) survey. LINK. And, the land rush is on as we see real estate being gobbled up at a pace faster than an un-hooked lemon-tipped shark. LINK.
.. A flurry of news releases has burst forth from the dedicated folks at PROTECT YOUR WATERS and there is some good news for: Battle Against Didymo, Great Lakes. And some tragic, (but hopefully good,) news for Oregon's Diamond Lake.
.. Finally, yesterday's Montana Standard reminds us that George Grant is 100 years old. God bless this defender of the Big Hole River. LINK.