Weather Report
River Reports
other stuff

.. At some time, and place, between 'The People's Park' and Poppy-Seed Rolls at the Ashram, a group of California bloggers discovered the great outdoors.
.. As time passed they came up with the idea that a professional blogging association should be formed.
.. This association would gather in pretty places and deliver obscure papers; meet in secret groves; establish standards; issue membership cards, and have a professional logo.
.. Unlike the standard professional meeting, (given the somber bent of these folks,) we suspect that the business sessions will be conducted in a gray-walled room - devoid of windows and libations.
.. Most of these types are also in bed by 7:30 PM, so late night revelry will be mostly missing. They will all be awake in time to have granola for breakfast and beat the sunrise by an hour. They will bound to their "ROOF-RACKED SUBARUS" and drive to high places to greet the day.
.. The idea came to fruition over a rare bottle of V. Sattui Cabernet and is about to take place somewhere in the foggy reaches of Northern California - (the left coast has all the fun.)
.. Here's the scoop: They have decided to call it a HO DOWN, (my, my, - we hope it's shades of John Hartford, and not something else,) and they are on their way to the Druidic Festival now - yes, as you read this some are even gathering.
.. And, Ol' Tom Underground, (a 6' Hobbit,) is going to host the arcane affair at the base of Mt. Shasta - to start with. Sounds like the beginning of an excellent adventure.
.. For more information you can check the following sites:
-- Get Outdoors - Site,
-- Get Outdoors - First Annual,
-- Get Outdoors - Down Is On,
-- Get Outdoors - We Need,
-- Two Heel Drive - . . . and Finally,
-- Here's where it's at, (add noun!).

.. Sounds like a good idea - have fun folks.
.. The weather is AWFUL, and that's good. Last night's cold rain will spark the rivers to life. The dawning failed to reveal the grand storm that was predicted, but it is definitely cooler. The broken clouds, and clean crisp air of this morning say just one thing - "Get Thee To A River."

.. There are large fish in the channel from the 191 bridge down to Hebgen Lake on the Madison River. We have two trusted reports that 14" - 18" Brown Trout are also being taken at Barns Holes. The exact location was vague, but the parking places are filling up rapidly. Get there early, (got thermos?) and have a variety of streamers. The run is on and the dances are glorious - we're going in about 15 minutes.
.. The confluence meadows of the Gallatin River have seen some good fish move in during the last 72 hours. These fish will be a bit spooky for the next few days, (thin and low - don'tchaknow,) so take some small Yellowstone Spruce Flies and a few San Juan Worms when you crawl through the cold and wet brush.
.. The big plunge pool at the base of Gibbon Falls should begin to produce soon. This is tough stuff, but the Gibbon River hasn't started to fill yet and it's still possible to fish with a modicum of safety. Back in April we posted a note about the "Yellowstone Definition" of Fly Fishing. There's also some hints about fishing this swirling cauldron of fish and water.

.. Some excellent news comes from California. The State Legislature has sent a bill to the Gubanator that deals with ballast water and invasive species. Treatment to kill invasive species would be required of all ships in California waters and ports - yes even the long range fleet from San Diego and Pierpoint Landing. Protect Your Waters has a brief note about this legislation. The Contra Costa Times & Mercury News carried the full story. This is ground breaking stuff and may set an international precedent.