Ants Doing Fine!
water still low,
where's the snow?

.. We spent the last 4 days on various rivers in Yellowstone National Park. It was crowded, beautiful, and the fishing was on the "slowish" side. The weather was conducive to the production of post card quality pictures. We are all thumbs when it comes to cameras.
.. As the bison return to the low meadows to nibble the last of the green grass they have found few grasshoppers to keep them company. A hint of the fall hatch eruption was in the air but the weather is too nice for it to happen.
.. The lack of afternoon clouds refused to encourage any significant Baetis activity, although there were a few small ones, (size 18,) at mile post 23 on the Gallatin River.
.. Gallatin River: still low and cool. Flying ants are the ticket right now. They seem to be more prolific this year than in recent memory, (size 14 - 16.) Hoppers are available and can be used twice on the same rig; keep 'em small, (size 12 - 14.)
.. Speaking of Baetis; the packer/outfitter neighbors have returned from Slough Creek and report that afternoon hatches are occurring there in a sparse but regular pattern. These are small too, (18 - 22.)

.. The Firehole River is still a summer river and the meadows of Biscuit Basin are turning brown. A few hoppers are still available. Wait another week.
.. Fan Creek is a surprisingly productive place this year. The fish have stayed in the First Meadow and along the Confluence Bottoms. Caddis are still coming off in the evening, and small attractors, (Humpy -12 -16,) are producing well. There are also midges but given the mood of the fish it's not worth the effort for these old eyes.
.. The Bechler Region is coming into it's own. Boundary Creek and the Bechler River in the meadow are beginning to show some action on streamers, (Yellowstone Spruce, Dark Spruce, 6 - 10.) Hoppers are wide spread but still produce well.

.. Tom, "The Flying Fisherman," (with all apologies to Grits,) has made it to the north country of Maine. He shows us a pretty blue bag - before filling. Visit the Trout Underground for the latest adventures of "Air Chandler."
.. Grist asks if we should care about whales. It seems that people creep into their thinking, on occasion, over there.
.. If you're planning a chalk stream adventure to Britain, do it soon. The Huffington Post tells us of a story from BBC Online about the anticipated increase in rainfall, (how could that be?) Global warming will surely affect fishing elsewhere too.
.. Be sure to check the MidCurrent News at the bottom of the page.

.. Just a reminder about the "Conserving Greater Yellowstone Area Together Workshop." The work will be difficult.
.. Flyfish Magazine is now a partner in the Protect Your Waters Campaign. Read about it HERE.