California Dreamin' - The New Texas
California Dreamin' - The New Texas

.. We decided to take advantage of the warm day and visit the Firehole River and take care of some business at Old Faithful. The section of the river above Firehole Falls gets very little pressure this time of year and is well worth fishing. There are reliable Caddis hatches in the evening, and the fish are being a bit more cooperative than they were during the heat of summer.
.. The day was the stuff of postcards, and the sun was blindingly bright. There were fish every where but they were in a "bumping" mood. We took several fish on a size 14 Big Wing Sparkle Caddis but got more refusals by a large margin.
.. A switch to a floating Green Thing was far more interesting to the fish. The shadows are where these fish hide on the bright days. We fished the stretch around the confluence with Nez Perce Creek, then between the bridges in Biscuit Basin. The parking lots were full but there were only a few fishers for this mid-day foray.
.. The metropolis at Old Faithful was a-buzz with the recent news that the new visitor center was being delayed, (link.) The ice cream at the store was rock hard, and it looks like summer - it feels like fall.
.. The monster hunters are doing well in all the usual places: Madison River with Soft Hackles and Rubber Legs, Gallatin River - the same, Gibbon River, (above the campground,) with Humpies - below the falls with Spruce Flies and Soft Hackles.
.. Now is the time to get out of the park and try the Madison River below Hebgen Dam. Try the confluence with Cabin Creek, and the stretch just above Quake Lake. Big, (8 - 12,) bead head nymphs or a floating soft hackle will do just fine - big fish & Big Fun.
.. For news about the new National Park Service Director visit National Parks Traveler, HERE... Go to Get Outdoors for a view of California that bespeaks a lack of familiarity with Australia or South Africa or New Zealand, or elsewhere. You can surf - Mountain bike - ski - etc. in Hawaii, too, (and the coffee is better.)
.. It seems that marketing and gear are the most important aspect to enjoying the outdoors in the Golden State of Califia's garden. (Was Queen Califia Black?)
.. Jack of all - master of . . . . JEEZ - why leave all those elbows? Are shoes & boots more ubiquitous than mountain bikes? Different strokes.
.. More tomorrow - The sun has appeared again.