Then Get Ready
.. If Yellowstone National Park adheres to their Drought Fishing Restriction Strategy (PDF) which is: 1) Stream flows decline below long-term averages, and/or 2) Stream temperatures approach 73ºF (22.7ºC) for extended periods. Then we anticipate that one criterion will be eliminated this week. The historically low flows will not not be alleviated until more rain is in the forecast. The official announcement of any change will be posted on the YNP News Releases page... Keep an eye on the weather from NOAA, and plan your fishing accordingly. Leave the Firehole River alone for the rest of the year. Visit with the local fly shops (links in sidebar,) for information when you arrive. Be sure that you have early 'wader friendly' lodging reservations.
.. The Gallatin River continues to be a worthwhile proposition; both in the park and further downstream. Localized afternoon showers have produced some off color days but the neighbors continue to explore this river as a first choice.

.. The Madison River between the lakes is very crowded - justifiably so. The cold tailwaters continue to attract fish and fishers alike. Some very good fish, (18" - 22",) have been taken in the Discharge Riffles on streamers, (dark olive woolly buggers and dark spruce flies: sizes 4 - 6 3xl.) Good nymphing is to be had at Campfire Run, and some excellent evening Caddis is available between Choice Hole and Awkward Bend.

.. Gulpers are still on the menu for Hebgen Lake. Get up early and hit the water about the time that the sun has been on the lake for an hour or so. Callibaetis spinners seem to be the item of choice, (size 16 - 20.) There have been a couple of reports that Yellow Woolly Worms in size 12 - 14 have taken fish in the South Fork Estuary - worth a try?
.. Further up the Gibbon River in the meadows above Virginia Cascade and around Wolf Lake your 3-weight will be well exercised by some wily and energetic Rainbows and Brookies to 16" or a bit more if you're lucky. All of this fishing is best done with small terrestrials and a few nymphs, (float them or sink them at your pleasure.)
.. When it's clear Soda Butte Creek is fishing very well indeed.

.. Upcoming maps will include: Regional & Local Fly Shops, Good Grits, Watering Holes, etc.