A Bit More Rain
Electric Verbiage
interesting judge

.. It's not on the NPS site yet, but the restrictions have been lifted in Yellowstone National Park on
all rivers but the Firehole - (good for them.) This takes effect tomorrow!!!!!
All restrictions are being lifted in Yellowstone Park on Wednesday August 22, 2007, with the exception of the Firehole River. Fishing on the Firehole will be allowed from 5 AM until 2 PM and will be reevaluated on August 24th.
.. The rain came again - not much - just enough to give us hope. We're watching the weather forecast and the USGS RIVER REPORTS, (sidebar.)

.. We're also watching
Mostly Right, Usually.,
Shallowfish, and
Singlebarbed. These blogs are pioneering new ground, (water?) in net-based verbiage. They are not for the faint of heart. They are rated somewhere beyond

New West let us know that the
Oregon State Bulletin has reported on the problems that the USFS is having with their policy of
killing fish to save forests. Money Quote:
"The Forest Service cannot disregard the orders regarding the Endangered Species Act, and it must meet its legal obligations under NEPA and as ordered by this court."
.. The
Madison River has become cool enough to produce both eager fish and bugs aplenty. From Baker's Hole just outside of Yellowstone to 7-Mile Bridge it's possible to get a sore arm catching trout. The morning Trico hatch has been consistent and prolific. Sizes on the small side of 16 will produce some very good fish. Be sure to quit by 2:00 PM today. Tomorrow you can fish your favorite hopper and wait for the evening Caddis.
Release your fish quickly and gently.
Western Fire Plumes As Seen From Space

This is the one south of Livingstone.
