Answers Coming Soon - We Hope
Answers Coming Soon - We Hope

.. After spending $12,000,000 on research, New Zealand is conducting it's first field tests with an eradication procedure that may just help conquer this slimy devil.

.. Eight study sites on the Princhester Stream will be treated with a chelated-copper compound called Gemex. This poison is the best, (so far,) in the battle. Monitoring of the results will also include observing effects on not only didymo but native algae, water invertebrates and fish.
.. The research is being conducted by Dr. Sue Clearwater, an eco-toxicologist for the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Niwa). Results should be available soon.
.. Rock Snot is one of the Five Invasive Threats currently known to threaten Yellowstone National Park. We have mentioned Rock Snot in previous posts and now look to this research in New Zealand for hope in being able to win one small battle.