.. We've had some positive reactions to the map at the bottom of the page. We've had some other reactions too! So we decided to place the maps on their own page. You can access the fishing maps by clicking on the link at the upper left corner of this page.
.. In time, (who knows how long?) we intend to have maps for all major river segments in Yellowstone National Park.
.. For now, the maps will be keyed to the blog posts as we go along. Only first hand information will be included. Of course the blog information will be date sensitive - the map information; less so.
.. For those of you interested in the technical details and the services provided by Platial you can check their blog or the new sites page.

.. This map includes all of Yellowstone's back country camping sites on a 3-D topographic layer on top of the Yellowstone topographic map, showing roads streams and trails.
.. The combined resources of Google Earth and discrete location data can be mapped through various layers for both presentation and research.
.. Nothing so elegant here though; just a few good places to fish and a description of some of th flies and techniques that work.