All Signs Point To Multiple Bug Hatches
bring the kitchen sink
All Signs Point To Multiple Bug Hatches
bring the kitchen sink
.. Sunday evening saw some light showers but the fabled Baetis hatch was sporadic. However, the snow that graced the west side of Yellowstone on Monday evening fell for only about an hour and then lifted to an overcast sky that was just above the tip of a 10' 4-weight. The Baetis made an appearance along the Freight Road.

.. Some Little Yellow Stone Flies

.. So were the fisher folk that had tied on a Quick - n - Easy. There were some folks fishing a Yellowstone Sally, and others fishing Salmon Fly Nymphs. All were taking fish. We can only imagine what a squirming mess there must be on the bottom.
.. No reports of Salmon Flies on the wing have reached our ears yet - but they ought to happen soon if the weather warms up again.
.. Suppose that you lived in West Yellowstone and developed that plan to open a fly shop.
.. Suppose your professor liked the work that you did in class and commended you for developing a plan that encompassed your passion and sound business sense.
.. Of Course ! - - - -
.. There are now seven, (7) fly shops in a town that may have 800 year-round residents. That's a pretty good ratio if you're a fly fisher. More than churches and just a bit less than the bars - about right as we see it... The kids have no web address yet, but they are open for business at the corner of Madison and Dunraven, in beautiful downtown West Yellowstone.
.. The size of the building is small, (about the same size as Arrick's was 15 years ago. The enthusiasm is palpable, the humor high, the selection of equipment and supplies more than adequate, and the location is excellent: between a pizza-pub and the grocery store. Good luck guys.

.. Remember that a float tube can be used in the channel between Lewis and Shoshone Lakes. Remember too, that a float tube is a watercraft and must have a permit.
.. Up north, the Gardner River and the Yellowstone River, (outside of the park,) are still fishable. Check with Park's Fly Shop for particulars.
.. Three excellent local reports are also available for your perusal at: Madison River Outfitters, Bud Lilly's Fly Shop, and Blue Ribbon Flies.