Grayling In News, Again
groupie hatch blooming
zebras attack washington
Grayling In News, Again
groupie hatch blooming
zebras attack washington

.. Meadows that were flooded last year are just a 'scosh' high and very clear for this time of year. The diminishing snow pack bodes well for early season fishing - summer is looking "iffy" right now.

.. The drift boats are beginning to appear in town, the guides are arriving and scouting the waters, beer supplies are being stockpiled, and the Spring crush at wader-friendly motels is apparent already. There may be a room or two available , but the desk jockeys inform us that it's going to be a busy weekend. Check the sidebar for wader-friendly lodging. Tell them hello for us.

.. Hoards of attractive, beer-swilling, fish-catching, females crowd the corners of the pubs. They pounce upon any unwary guide that happens to enter for a moment of well deserved relaxation.
.. Be forewarned that if you enter any of the West Yellowstone imbiberies you may be assaulted if you look like a guide - or even if you might know a guide. It's a tough life being a fly fishing guide in Yellowstone.

.. The Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks site provides basic information about the species in Montana. The Arctic Grayling Recovery Program site details the recovery efforts that are planned and are being carried out currently.
.. The fight against Whirling Disease in Maryland has taken a new twist, and the state has killed an additional 20,000 trout in its efforts there.
.. There have been boats with zebra mussels discovered in Washington. Washington state officials are expanding their efforts at inspection stations and weigh-stations in their effort to intercept the invader.