.. There is just a hint of Summer in the unseasonable warmth of the mid-afternoon. Evenings, on the other hand, remind us that it's still Spring. The conditions are perfect for the invasion of the Giant Midges.

Hebgan Lake is yielding large 'Bows 'n' Browns with satisfying regularity. Just about any shallow inlet will produce to just about any midge imitation. If the little demons are in your ears use a floating pattern, if the fish aren't at the surface yet - you guessed it, a small midge nymph.
.. The local favorites are either the Zebra Midge or the Zelon Midge.
Craig at
Blue Ribbon Flies likes the Zelon variety,
Dick at
Bud Lilly's prefers the Zebra. Sizes in the 14 to 20 range will do.

.. Although we're not known to be inordinately contrary, we stick with a simple Para Midge for the surface, and a Flash Midge under the water for the subsurface prospecting. These are simple and quick at the bench and give us more time on the water.
.. Used in combination this pair will cover just about all of the opportunities available. Start out with a well greased Para Midge. When the grease is gone - all the better; sink it and fish both under the water or just below the film. Right now sizes 16 - 20 are good. Go to size 22 or smaller next week.

.. Even with
Cabin Creek putting some silt into the
Madison River between the lakes, the south side of
Campfire Run is clear enough to fish with midge imitations. Some of the neighbors are also using
Yellowstone Spruce Flies and
Yellowstone Winter Grubs. These are used to tease the remaining spawners into striking - it works well but really wears out the fish.
.. It's awful early, but then it's that kind of year, as
Jack Dennis reports that the Salmonfly hatch is already at the
Warm River on the
Henry's Fork of the Snake River. You can bet your bottom dollar that as the big bugs move upstream we'll hear about it from
Henry's Fork Anglers and the
Trouthunter. We'd better get to the bench.
..You might want to visit the
Hatch Chart at Bud Lilly's and take a coupe of weeks off of the dates. Opening week in Yellowstone should be wonderful with not only the
Firehole River in good shape but the
Madison River and
Gibbon River as well.