Hebgan & Quake Producing Big Fish
Gallatin Blown Out & Brown
time to review fishing regulations
Hebgan & Quake Producing Big Fish
Gallatin Blown Out & Brown
time to review fishing regulations

.. The thunder snow was entertaining as it came up-river and swirled around the tight Madison River Canyon. Retreat was the better part of valor, and the thermos was a welcome sight.
.. Quake Lake yielded some nice Rainbows. Ice-out was a bit early this year and the fish are unusually eager. We spent most of the day leap-frogging along the northwest shore of the lake and found fish within casting distance of the shore at all locations. The drowned timber, (see map below,) was especially productive on streamers. Strip them slow and let them pause between short pulls of 1 - 2 feet . . . deadly. The neighbors, using gear and worms, are doing very well at the boat launch ramp, and the mouth of Beaver Creek. Fish in the 3# range seem to be the norm right now. Nymphs, drowned behind little bobbers or buoyant Caddis imitations are working wonders too. The dropper should not be too deep, about 10" - 14" is fine. A Prince Nymph, (size 12 - 18,) is the neighbor's choice.
.. The color of the Madison River below Cabin Creek is a lovely tan. Visibility might be six inches in this section. This discharge, combined with that of Beaver Creek, has produced an enormous silt plume and concentrated the fish in the up-lake sections of Quake Lake. The groceries in this silt-laden runoff must look like a smörgåsbord to the hungry trout.
.. Reliable reports from the Gallatin River suggest that the only currently fishhable section is between the Yellowstone Park boundary and the Taylor Fork. The color and consistency of the Fork's discharge is reportedly the same as something that you would find in a diaper - we'll pass.
.. These changes include the mandate for killing Rainbow Trout in Slough Creek in order to delay the complete hybridization of Cutthroat Trout that this stream is so famous for. The regulations say that if you can tell the difference between a Rainbow and a Cutthroat you should kill the Rainbows that you catch.
"We’re asking anglers to assist us in our conservation efforts by harvesting non-native fishes from streams and lakes where they coexist with our native cutthroat trout and Arctic grayling. In these waters there is no question that the introduced, non-native species are continuing to do serious harm."
.. This is an important aspect of fishing in Yellowstone and should be practiced by all concerned and conscientious fly fishers. If you can't tell a Rainbow from a Cutt, please get some help in identification, and fish like you cared about the fish as well as the fishing.
.. If the current weather patters continue, and the runoff is fast and furious, the snow pack will be diminished to the point that many rivers stand the chance of being closed early. This suggests to us that early Spring fishing may be pretty good, we're planning on it.

.. The reports from MRO keep coming. It's nice to see fishing guides fishing. Soon enough they will have too little time to themselves. It was their note about some early Baetis that prompted our sojourn to Quake Lake. Caught fish - saw no Baetis.
.. Up in Gardiner, Montana they are watching for the Mother's Day Caddis. Park's Fly Shop is the place to find this information first. Watch their fishing report for the first sightings of these babies. The third edition of "Fishing Yellowstone National Park" is now available. You can get signed copies of the second edition from Park's shop - while they last. The closeout price is only $11.00.
.. Jack Dennis' Fishing Report lets us know that the Snake River is blown out down around Jackson Wyoming. If you are going to fish the southern part of Yellowstone, or around Jackson, click on over to the free map page on the Jack Dennis site. These maps can be downloaded in a JPG or PDF format and should prove to be an invaluable resource for your fishing - it's not too early to plan!
.. *** The image of the dog at the top of the page is from PETA. Their latest campaign is about to hit a billboard near you. Click on over to "Fishing Hurts" so you will know what's coming your way.