river reports
Blessed Rest
Protect Your Waters

.. They have given us enduring literature. They have given us topics of conversation. They have given us words and wisdom to live by. They have been reviled as purveyors of tripe and escape literature. They have been glorified as sages of the slough, (ugh!) They are our beloved fishing writers - a litany would be redundant - you know them well.
.. They use words and concepts that grab us in some important place. And the reading is easy. Their writing sucks us in and appears to use our own vocabulary in unique ways. We think that they are "Easy Writers."
.. Truth be told there is probably nothing "easy" involved. We've known, and do know, a few of these gentlemen. Their sometime agony is painful to experience. They care.
.. With that said; we would like to point you to a conversation about the, (long awaited,) dire straits of the glossy print media - See Below:

.. Go to The Trout Underground for an Easy Writer of the first water, (ugh - again - it just came out!) and leap into the discussion.
.. Go to Ass Hooked Whitey for the extended thread of the conversation. There's more, but these two will get you started.
.. Speaking of care, and that sort of thing, a trip to The Ecological Angler is well worth your time. It's a 'dot com' and has infrequent updates - but it's full of information.
.. For a change of pace, (still in the water,) it is occasionally interesting and informative to visit: Squid.us, a 'dot us' with frequent updates, or Squidblog, or Squidblog.net. Just plain fun; and informative - in a squiddy-kind-a-way.

.. In a very quiet and surprisingly efficient way the "Protect Your Waters" campaign, (you know - STOP AQUATIC HITCHHIKERS,) is making in-roads in the fly fishing community. It is also making in-roads into fly fishing communities.
.. Out in the broad expanse of the "Big Madison" valley is Sun West Ranch where covenants and cash abound. Bless their hearts, they have signed on to help in the education effort.
.. The Livingston, Montana Area Chamber Of Commerce has also joined up to help protect fishing in the Paradise Valley.
.. On the "Left Coast" CaliforniaOnTheFly has joined the campaign. and their sister page ColoradoOnThe Fly signed up too, (conspiracy theorists - - - ?)
.. In our neighborhood, some of the "BIGGIES" have led the charge: Simms, Wild Life Forever, Patagonia, & R.L. Winston Rod Company are a few of the folks that are doing their part.
.. We urge you to help in the education campaign. For too long, fly fishers have pointed to other water sports as culprits in the spread of invasive species.
.. Sadly . . . "we have met the enemy & it is us." The New Zealand Mud Snail map shows a one to one correlation between Yellowstone's most popular fly fishing waters and the snails.

nps map
Yellowstone Baseline Study
Yellowstone Invasive Threats
Whirling Disease in Yellowstone

.. This is more than just a plug for the neighbors. If you enjoy your blessed rest at the end of a long day of fishing, or if you need a place to digest that prime-rib dinner you just inhaled: you will appreciate these places. Make your fall reservations now!
.. Faithful Street Inn,
.. Pine Shadows,
.. Sleepy hollow.
.. They are about full for the fall fishing season. These links are also in the side bar.

.. Greebe Lake is still cranking out fish by the wadersful. They are eager and occasionally reach 14" the Grayling are usually in the 8" - 10" range. Fish the windward shore and use an easy to see floating attractor, (size 8 - 14 Royal Wulff is about ideal.) For the brave, (and strong of leg,) you can troll a Yellow Wooly Bugger from your tube. Just paddle upwind, turn around and enjoy the scenery as the wind pushes you through all those fish.
.. The bad news first: the flies in the morning at Hebgan Lake are really small, (size 16 - 20.) The


.. The Hoppers have begun their "splat-making" on the first seven miles of Madison River in Yellowstone National Park. Flows are down just a bit and the river is still cool and clear. The river will now provide all day fishing if you're up to it.
.. 5:30 AM spinners, (size 16 - 18,)
.. 7:00 AM emergers and cripples, (size 14 -18,)
.. 10:30 AM Pastrami Sandwich - Little Nip - Cigar.
.. 11:30 AM small dark caddis & caddis fall, (size 12 - 16,)
.. 12:30 PM first of the hoppers and continued PMD's, (anything size 14 - 16,)
.. 2:30 - 3:30 PM suicide hoppers, (pray for wind - size 10 - 12,)
.. 4:30 - 5:30 PM caddis hatch starts slowly, (size 14 Big Wing Sparkle Caddis + all of the above,)
6:30 PM Nutter Butter Cookies - Rest Of Cigar - Little Nip.
.. 7:30 - 8:00 PM caddis in earnest, (sizes 12 - 14,) some rusty spinners, (sizes 14 - 16,) last of the big hoppers, (size 8 - 12.)
.. 8:30 - 10:00 PM magic on the Madison! It's cool, the light is low, you're exhausted. Stroll the bank and look for large noses in little eddies and foam swirls. Hit 'em in the nose. Go home happy.
.. Most of the neighbors are rushing to the Gallatin River. It is cool, clear and full of hungry fish. Nothing seems to have changed from our reports of last Sunday and Wednesday. If there are clouds it's spectacular, if sunny - just darn good. (HINT: Check The Weather Forecast)
.. The outfitter/packer neighbors just beat on the door. They said that fishing is great in the Bechler Region. They demand payment for information. We'll pay; - off to the darkness of a favorite cave to swill and swap stories. REPORT TOMORROW.
OHMYGAWD Ranger Gord Strikes Again.