Vicarious Fishing

.. In just 5 weeks "Bow Hunting Season" for elk opens. That means Fall is in our sights. And, that means it's time to winterize the vehicle before we get caught in a surprise snow storm and freezing-radiator-weather.
.. Even if it is over 80 degrees today, it could be 20 degrees in a week or two. You just never know up here.
.. So, while the vehicle is getting a new block heater, lighter oil, aggressive tires, window channel lube, back-flush and new antifreeze, heater check, lube job, and general winterizing, (it does hit 50 below on occasion:) we take this down time to see how the rest of the world is doing - it does need our attention on occasion.

.. It's not our preference for fishing, but, the web has an amazing assortment of good to great fishing resources. We'll use this down time to do some vicarious fishing. We can travel to NorCal and the TROUT UNDERGROUND for a fix of real fishing by real folks. We can buzz over to the left coast and visit the shrine of THE FISHING GODDESS to see if there really is summer fishing for BIG FISH, and if the guide scene has settled down. MOLDY CHUM is constantly providing us with fresh material and entertainment.
.. Not that you don't know it; MidCurrent is perpetually full of insight, news, and tips. FISHING JONES will always gather up news about the exotic, adventurous, and exciting fishing stuff - we visit regularly.
..Yellowstone Park is over 2,100,000 acres - that is larger than Delaware & Rhode Island combined. News about the park is always interesting and we usually check out the official PARK SITE, just so we know what's happening in the neighborhood.
.. PROTECT YOUR WATERS is the site where we learn about the dire consequences of moving species around in a Willy-Nilly fashion. This is your government at it's best. A partnership with concerned fisherfolks, retail businesses, & other organizations. All trying to stop invasive species and protect the ecology of trout, (and other,) fishing waters. We'll spend quite some time at this site and it's information filled pages. They have Current News & RSS feeds. They have specific information about New Zealand Mud Snails, (they are probably close to degrading waters near you.) And of course Whirling Disease.
.. AND, the problem is getting national consideration - check the NewWest article about the Yellowstone area.

.. We're missing some good fishing. The Gallatin River has hit it's stride and can provide all-day fishing. Nymphs in the morning, Green Drakes in the afternoon, caddis at night, spinner fall tomorrow - thus it will be for about two weeks. This gem is underfished and under loved - we don't mind.
.. Nez Perce Creek is also at it's best right now. This is fun fishing at it's best. Nothing fancy is necessary: some caddis imitations, a few of your favorite nymphs, and some attractors like Royal Wulff, Royal Humpy, or even giant Adams will work. Just mosey along the bank, enjoy the scenery, watch for the stray buffalo, and 'cherry-pick' the good water. It's a bit unseemly, but loud songs or sneezing will keep the bears at bay.
.. We look for Soda Butte Creek, the Lamar River, and Slough Creek to peak next week or the week after. Right now the fishing is just knock-your-socks-off great. Soon we expect spectacular.
.. The Yellowstone River Cutthroat are really holding tight. The numbers are down from the glory days of 7 - 10 years ago, but there are fish to be had. It's nice to see the water just 1,000 cfs below the 76 year median -- rather than the 3,000 cfs down, of the last few drought years. If you must fish the river be gentle and quick. There are beginning to be good hatches of Gray & Green Drakes. Flying ants are making their appearance too. And as always in this food laden river - caddis, caddis, caddis.

.. West Yellowstone may have the highest density of fly fishers and fly fishing shops in the world. For a town with just 950 year-'round residents, it's certainly true. In a matter of less three blocks there is an array of expertise, talent, and fame that is hard to match in the world of trout fishing.

.. Information overload can happen in minutes. Pick a stream; pick a river; pick a lake; it was fished yesterday. It is being fished today. It will be fished tomorrow. All by knowledgeable guides and fisherfolks that are willing to share the happenings, and the non-happenings with you. It could take a week to get caught up.
.. Given the current heat wave, this could prove to be refreshing - stroll 1/2 block, enter the air conditioned shop and visit for a bit, stroll another 1/2 block and seek out some conversation and air conditioning, stroll . . . seek, . . . Etc., might get done in time for dinner. Use the sidebar links to these places if you can't enjoy the wandering with us.