Old Favorites

..The Halloween Leech is well known among the neighbors in West Yellowstone. 
.. It is also useful for entertaining the fish in Duck Creek, the South Fork of the Madison River, and Grayling Creek. Surprisingly, we have never, (to our recollection,) fished this fly on the Gibbon River or the Gallatin River.
.. The recipe is simple and the fly is effective.
Recipe - Tail: plucked throat fibers from midnight black emu, (the short ones right next to the beak,) 
.. There are other traditional favorites used both here and abroad during this time of year. They are usually large flies and are based on the sensibility that big fish want groceries and not just nibblies. A trait becoming most common among the trick or treat vandals roaming the dark streets on the eve of fright... Many of these seasonal flies are just adaptations of salmon or steelhead flies used for centuries and modified for the holiday occasion. There are stuffy old farts that poo-poo the fun to be had with these flies. Sad for them; these flies work,

.. You've probably used these patterns but called them by different names. One of the most useful is a leech/bugger cross called the Black Cat. It can be tied with either an orange or chartreuse body and the fluffiest of marabou. It's just as good as the traditional black leeches and 'boogers' for big fish in deep runs. If you've a mind to, you can get them for $4.50 at Davecom Fish Flies.

.. Streamers are common fare this time of .. The
.. One of our neighbors ties these for gifts at this time of year. We used ours to catch fish and he hasn't spoken to us since. They do work, and if tied large and in a sparse fashion are very effective - especially on the Gibbon River in the plunge pool below the falls.

.. A commercial version is sold by TheFlyFishingShop @ 3/$7.25. Their rendition
.. The fish currently in the Madison River are moody and sulk as much as they eat. Love does funny things to all critters.
.. A lively fly presented well and right in their face will, however, usually elicit action of the desired variety. Spey flies, properly tied, with a gob of 'internal' action will usually provide fishers with an exuberant - if unsuspecting - dance partner.
.. Ralph Cutter has developed a fly for the East Walker River that 
.. If you fish it locally then it's best to pluck the bunny fur for fall fishing in clear and thin water. It's just fine 'as-tied' for spring. It's also an excellent fly for early morning and late afternoon. It's density

.. This is the season for prospecting and searching for fish, dwindling hatches, endurable weather, and success before the winter weather sets in. It is a time for the last bit of fun on many of our rivers. Try these flies and you'll enjoy the novelty and the rare pleasure of having taken a fish on a fly that no one in your party has.
.. The National Geographic wants you. Their new series "Hooked" is on T.V. If you missed the first episode, you were probably searching for fish quite a bit smaller than are featured on the series. The series web site features a bushel basket full of photos for your edification, and some nifty wallpaper.
.. Jeff over at Drawing Flies, 365 has been both busy and creative, and is on the downhill road toward his goal of drawing a fly a day for a year.

.. Posting a bit more frequently than usual is the Horse's Mouth. We're not sure whether the wahines or wipeouts are more interesting. The photos are spectacular! They also turned us on to the Never Sea Land site that has mermaids swimming all over its pages . . . zowie!! The sea nymph to the right is the most modest of the bunch.

.. Rose River Farm reports an influx of Brook Trout has been washed into the waters from the park. A result of the recent rains: no doubt. If you would like to feel at home while on the right coast drop in and fish a bit.