So What You Say
it may spread this way
.. The Ten Sleep Hatchery

.. The Wyoming facility is a key element in the state's fish culture program. It provides over 1,000,000 fish to other hatchery's and also produces about 250,000 fish for direct planting in Wyoming waters.
.. So What? - you say. Well it was slated to be the new home of the endemic Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout Brood Stock. The restoration and recovery program has already started, and there has been no word about the impact on the beginnings of this effort to save this embattled species.
.. The disease hits native Cutthroat Trout very hard and this news concerns us. Has the disease already come out of the hatchery into more Yellowstone waters? We await word from Yellowstone National Park and from the fishery scientists in Wyoming.