Can Slick Go On The Web ?
(and a fishing report too)
(and a fishing report too)

.. If the blog is any indication of coming content we're in for a bit of self aggrandizing prose. Here's the money quote - judge for yourself:
Welcome to your greatest resource of fishing information on the web! Five times a day, we post a new insight from one of the top anglers in the world. Don't go fishing without checking here first!
.. We'll wait and watch.
.. This reminds us of an interesting advertisement. "The Yellowstone Insider" believes that one year of decent snow pack promises a "great fishing season" - my, my, my. What they won't do to sell you something. As if recovery of a fishery depended on a single weather event. Shame on their marketing director.---------
.. Over at HDW Mobile they're celebrating the passing of the white stuff and anticipating a bit of morel hunting instead of fishing. Happily for us they don't show our morel fields. With lots of fires up here, and rapid decomposition there's a few for us to gather too - it'll be about six weeks though. They also have taken the bait on the recent attempt to provide more fishing opportunities with the introduction of sterile triploid trout. Displacement of natives is the concern. We suspect that this discussion is just starting.---------

.. From Protect Your Waters comes a note that Patagonia is seriously concerned about the threat of invasive aquatic species. A new post delivers some information that is well worth the read. The money quote is one that sticks!As Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!™ has correctly identified, people’s behaviors matter! Regardless of how they perceive their sport and its relative degree of impacts, the fact is that the aquatic invasive species issue makes the conservation component of recreational activities absolutely essential.
.. There is some real hot action on the Yellowstone River. The kind folks at Parks' Fly Shop let us know that streamer fishing is gathering up big fish. They also alert us to the upcoming 'Mother's Day' caddis hatch. Maybe a road trip for us in the near future. Read the report HERE.
.. Please pay heed to their caution about the spawning fish. The shallow gravels are full of redds and there's no glory in taking these fish. There are bright fish in the deep runs, and you can reach most of them without wading. Check out their report for the spicy details.