Bozo Rocks
fisherfolk everywhere
but not us

.. The "Tin Hatch" is a Spring phenomenon along most rivers in our area - (most areas with trout streams, in fact.) The Tin Hatch is indicative of the old fly fisher's adage -- "The farther from home you fish; The better the fishing."

.. The Tin Hatch lets us know, (as if we didn't,) that this must be a great place to be. People like to fish here -- DUH! We like to fish here too, but on occasion we just don't.
.. The tin is really steel and it will be collected, or tossed, or recycled. The fishers will vanish, only to be replaced by others, in increasing numbers. The Tin Hatch progresses in intensity for the next three months, plateaus, then spikes with the first snows of Fall.
.. It is more predictable, regular, and prolific than the other hatches of our rivers. It is indicative of the possibilities that await the visitors. We welcome them for their indication of the season.
.. Visitation with neighbors confirms that the hatch is on time, and a bit larger than usual. We hope that this bodes well for the upcoming season. We know it bodes well for the scrap metal dealers.

.. John Montana, carrier of the finest moniker in all of blogdom,

.. Now then, Is there a John Catfish out there somewhere that would like this

.. On the other hand we give full marks to THE HORSE'S MOUTH for their most recent Fish On Fridays.
.. Lovely rod, great reel, long tapering waders, scenic setting, appropriate attire, nice net, and not a hair out of place. Is John Lei out there anywhere hoping that the moans from this wahine are for him?
.. By the way -- speaking of moaning. Can you imagine traveling to a fishing location; lowering yourself to using nymphs, (oh the indignity of it all,) and catching no fish?
.. It happens: even to mighty Chandler, and even on his home waters. This goes to prove the old fisher's adage.
.. We're not sure what's worse: 'fishlessness' or nymphs. Nice pictures - we know the feeling, (though we enjoy the nymphs).

.. The map locations will now have full picture disclosure. There are just no secrets in Yellowstone, (that we know of.)