.. The essential tools for Montana fly fishers are similar in many respects to those used by fisher folks around the world...Other available gadgets promise to confuse even the well initiated and will give genuine pleasure to the crowd at the pub as you divert the conversation away from your fishless day on the Firehole River. The one on the carabinier sports a titanium timepiece for timing chug-a-lug contests.
.. They now come with flesh grabbing pincers to remove copious quantities of flesh as you try to get the hook out out of your companions ear.
.. Be sure to have both a good set of fence pliers for removing staples on offensive signs, and a good set of diagonal cutters for smartly clipping wire that may inhibit livestock from accessing water and dying of thirst. Both are now available with padded and cushioned grips.
.. Vise grip fence pliers are useful for holding together a broken strand of wire that you discover in your adventures. The quick release feature guarantees rapid egress in emergency situations.

.. It's noon, bright overcast, and time for brunch and a replay of yesterday's glorious sport on the Madison River, the fish have awakened with a vengeance. Go to the bottom of the page and practice on the map.