Go To The Office Before The Help

<- Bob's Caddis "Jacklin's Green Rock Worm"
-- So; you're a bit more lucky than most folks. You have a job that lets you fish. You have a job that you would do even if you didn't get paid to do it.
-- You put in the long hours; just like any boss. Your rewards are modest in terms of "THE WORLD" - but you wouldn't have it any other way!
-- It's the 16th of June, 2006 and you have a full day ahead of you. The new guides need some direction, the office needs some attention, the staff at the shop has some new employees that need a bit of training, and - - oh yeah, you have to do some filming for instructional videos and other projects.
-- It's 5:30 AM, you open the front door and go to the office in the rear of the shop. You have had a small breakfast, the staff hasn't arrived, and you get some work done. About 6:30 AM the guides show up and get their gear, check the river reports, arrange the boats, order some box lunches and get going to fish the big water outside of Yellowstone National Park.
-- At 7:15 AM the shop staff arrives and makes sure that there are plenty of flies, the shop is in order, the cash registers have tape, the lights all work, and the coffee is on for the first customers. They open the doors at 8:00 AM, (officially: in actuality the neighbors and a few early visitors have been in the shop since the clerks got there.)
-- A mob appears at your office door . . . . the film crew is early . . . . "Just wanted to go over some things before we got started." And, there it is, the beginning of another day at the office. Today you are going to demonstrate some techniques that you have developed over the last 30 years or so for fishing a small nymph, with an indicator, in rapid water.
-- By the time the film crew is satisfied, it's time for lunch. You all go to a local eatery, discuss the shoot some more and have lunch. The schedule, and shooting location have been discussed too much. It sounds like so much gobbly-de-gook. You just want to get to the water and get it done!
-- The whole circus arrives at a local fishing spot and debauches from the vans and SUV's. You are "BETWEEN THE LAKES" and going to fish the tailwater fishery below Hebgan Dam. There are fish here and the location is accessible.
-- There are already a couple of fishermen in the water so you select a place for the demonstration. Camera angles, (two cameras,) lighting, casting room, fill lights, and on and on and on. "ALL RIGHT BOB, LET'S DO IT."
-- So you address camera #1; explain fly fishing a nymph with an indicator. You show a simple little creation of your own, - size 10, black glass bead head, peacock herl, and some green stuff. Nothing fancy here but a pretty good imitation. You turn to the river and Camera #2 follows the casts. They watch the indicator. Camera #1 is on the fisherman. You feel good that the line is finally wet.
-- A couple of short controlled casts to the nice bit of holding water. A long seam between some rocks and the main current. You forget the cameras and begin to fish. You watch the drift. You strip to keep up with the swirling currents. You mend a little. And the indicator pauses -- then disappears. Fish on.
-- The tug is light and you tighten just a bit, then pull a bit, then the fly line is ripped from your off hand. Holy Cow! You hope that the 4# green Maxima will hold this fish. The cameras are eating it up. The director is shouting, " . . did you really catch a fish?" He has no idea.
-- The battle was a bit testy in the rapid flow in the narrow part of the stream. Details are unimportant. Finally the fish is subdued. It's dragged to the shallows and emerges like a submarine from the depths. The film crews are going nuts. You are pleased to have gathered in a fairly decent fish. Well, just a bit better than fairly decent; 30", healthy, strong, Brown Trout. And you caught it on camera.
-- This is a true story. Our neighbor, Bob Jacklin, Fly Fishing Hall Of Fame member, Buz Buszek award winner, etc., did a fine job of demonstrating the technique. He caught a nice fish on demand, and - - the best part of the story is that it's just another day at the office.

-- Not a bad day's work!
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