Leaping Rainbows
sulking six incher's
no grayling

<- Upper Gibbon
.... The upper Gibbon River, (the meadows, & above,) is perfect right now. The cold clear water of the river sections above the roads to Mammoth and Canyon are fishing very well indeed. They are also producing Boon & Crockett sized mosquitoes.
.... We took a very fat and sassy 14" Rainbow in the thin-water riffle right next to the road by Norris Campground. The dance was brief, as the fish leaped out of the 18" deep pool onto the grassy bank. Again there were quite a few nursery fish, both Brookies and Rainbows in the 6" - 10" range. They were taking small Caddisflies, (12 -14,) on the surface and small drowned and floated nymphs, (Prince 12 - 14, & Pheasant Tails 14 -16.)
.... The Grayling research team was on the river and told us that they think recruitment is up in this section of the Gibbon, and that the population of Grayling in Greebe Lake is also higher than anytime in the past few years -- couldn't prove it by us.
.... To see how they do it across the pond go to the world acclaimed site OgmoreRiver.com. The Grayling Page and the Grayling Fies are useful on this side of the pond as well. You'll recognize the "Red Tag" as a rendition of our favorite Wooly Bugger.

.... After lunch we went to the Firehole River and fished between the bridges in Biscuit Basin. This section is easy to access, elbow to elbow with fisherfolk, pounded to within an inch of it's life, and still producing good numbers of catchable fish. We took a few eager rainbows of 10" and a nice, pudgy Brown Trout right at the confluence of the Firehole & Little Firehole. The water temperature at 2:00 PM was only 72 F. As you can see on the temperature chart, yesterday was a cooler day than the previous week's average. The heavy clouds helped. The fish were taking the same flies on the Firehole that they took on the Gibbon.
.... The good folks at Moldy Chum, pointed us to an excellent bit of research about 'catch and release' fishing from the "Alaska Science Center" of the USGS. There is also a similar note from across the pond at WadersOn.com.
.... Second Hand News: Madison River at the Barn's Holes and to 7-mile bridge still fishing well to Stonefly nymphs, (golden & yellow is the speculation.) Greebe Lake is worth the battle with mosquitoes, (and the 3-mile walk,) for the eager Grayling. The Gallatin River in the meadow, at the confluence with Fan Creek has produced fish to 12" in the late afternoon on drowned cul-de-cunard caddis. Soda Butte Creek is high, cold, clear and fishing good in the meadow at the confluence with the Lamar River.
.... Finally, since we have no pictures of Grayling to show you, we suggest the Montana 'Fish Wildlife & Parks' site for a nice photo of a male Grayling. An exceptionally nice female Grayling is shown in a reference photo at the Taxidermy.net site.
.... There is a pleasant aroma eminating from the kitchen.