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brief fish report
brief fish report

.. One blog that we've been remiss in mentioning, is one that has persisted. "HDW - Mobile" has been blogging away and treating us to adventure, family life, and news for a couple of years. From the back porch, from the ball park, from the 'el,' from the country, from the car, from streamside, and at home too; blogging in it's purest form is found here.
.. We're also a bit in love with the reports from that part of the world - we spent some time haunting the little streams around Chicago, Evanston, South Bend, Dore County and other environs - north. We've added this link to the sidebar: click it when you're not fishing.
.. Another blog that hits the mark is the Invasive Species Weblog. It's
.. We'll miss some of the removals; some of the others -- oh, well! As the snow continues to fall in West Yellowstone it seems that cabin fever will find anything to do - including rearranging sidebar links.

.. The sneaky devils trotted in and then reported it for the rest of us in a new feature on their site; "RIVER JOURNAL."
.. They promise us vague philosophy, rants, and bad poetry -- good on 'em. Now when you click on their Fishing Reports you will have a choice between a bare bones report of hatches, river conditions, and other information -- OR -- a narrative report from guides and clients: good show, we're waiting for the poetry.
.. Put on your snowshoes, (or skis if you can,) and take a stroll down the Madison River in the vicinity of

.. These daring folks braved the hoards of snow flies, (nose cloggers in local parlance.) They fished through obstacles such as bright sun and beautiful scenery reporting that midges are finally secondary fodder for the fish. This is a

.. Golden Stonefly Nymphs, Black Buggers, Bead Head Pheasant Tail, and Shop Vacs were their choice. We're inclined to use Feather Dusters in various sizes and colors for these dredging activities, but the Shop Vac is no worse than second choice.
.. The ever intrepid warriors at Best Fly Fishing Yellowstone have been prowling the lowlands and, (blast it all,) catching fish. Nice fish on the Gallatin River, (LINK,) and those cunning warriors wandered into Bear Trap Canyon for a look, (LINK.) There are some small advantages to living where the snow ain't deep.
.. Fishing is on tap for this afternoon, and it will be in the deep snow with only the fish and the neighbors enjoying the encounter.