Should'a Heard Us 40 Years Ago
what goes around comes around
Should'a Heard Us 40 Years Ago
what goes around comes around
.. The "now-mainstream-again" rod material is drawing attention from news sources, bloggers, and of course fisher folks. It has all the elements to make it desirable.
.. It's exotic, it's beautiful, it's elegant, it's full of mystery, it's functional, it's rare, it's expensive, it's diverse, it's - - - well, it's heavenly.
.. TC over at The Trout Underground is busy extolling the virtues of his Phillipson rods, and is currently in mid series, (#1, #2, #?) The Times Herald Record recently had a couple of articles on the tea stick wands: Nothing Compares To Bamboo Rods, and All About Fly-Fishing's Bamboo Guys. And, of course, Business Week has been pushing the rods as perfect executive gifts.
.. Forty years ago, many were eschewing the grass for glass.

.. We have some nice old double and triple built deep sea rods but more modern materials are a bit more substantial when hauling in a giant Black Marlin. How did "Papa" and "Zane" do it?

.. From the beginning the split cane rod is American - what a blessing. From the shop of a master gunsmith came the first rent bamboo rod. It has been a desirable object ever since.

.. But, it's not the money; it's the memory. Each is personal, and has it's own story. A gift, a find, a trade, a treasure sought, etc. From the early Calcutta to the recent Tonkin all are mysterious and fine tools. They fish with us as friends, and their maker's ghosts are happy about it.
.. Over the years we've gathered up reels and rods that "go together." Some exotic and fancy, others mundane and pedestrian; they give us a bit of nostalgic pleasure as we fish. We could only wish that each fly fisher would gather up a period piece or two, and fish it. The blue-collar rods of the past are still around; the same for the reels. Seek and ye shall find. It's not expensive, it's enlightening.
.. The curious thing about these things is their individuality. No cookie cutters here. Sort of like the fly fishers we've met. The arguments about "best" are interesting. Craftsmanship can be objectified: -- feel, and personal fit -- well to each his own.
.. Use you mouse to visit the Bamboo Broker, click over to see about the way bamboo grows, it's even come full circle and the Hexagraph is a modern mimic - now there's a compliment!
.. Buy one, borrow one, or whatever - no guarantees - but the trip will be worth the price of admission.
.. We can't wish to be buried with our old rods, like TC can: we couldn't afford all the other caskets.