.. Does this illegally limit access to the rivers? The resolution is a bill presented in the legislature, (passed by the senate,) and poses rules of law that: ". . . are not intended to expand the rights of recreationists or to diminish the rights of landowners."
.. New West has a fine article that explores the problem. Bozeman lawyer and state senator Larry Gent has defended the bill by saying: "What we’re doing here doesn’t change law in any way. There ain’t no other choice. It’s this bill or let the court do it."
.. One thing is for sure; The conversation is not finished as the bill now goes to the Montana House of Representatives.
.. Environmental news relating to Montana can be found at the Montana Environmental Information Center web site: MEIC. It currently has a section on the 2007 Legislative Session... The stream access issue is also featured on the Montana Wildlife Federation web page; including a review of the current 1985 Montana Law.
.. The Wild Fish Habitat Initiative, (Montana Water Center,) has some interesting cutthroat reports available on-line.

.. The third edition of the "California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual" is now available on-line.
.. Hubbard's Guide Academy is now accepting applications for 2007.