Rewards Are Slim To None
no pink shirts, no fancy waders
.. Little streams still fed by melting snow abound in Yellowstone National Park. Neither roads nor bus tours visit them. Expert fisher folk have never heard of them. The fish have found them, though.
.. The few folks, (mostly our neighbors,) that fish them are tight lipped and secretive about them. They are the "OTHER YELLOWSTONE."
.. There's not a single Chamber of Commerce brochure that even mentions them. Certainly the seasonal guides and counter workers at the feather merchants wouldn't fish them.
.. You'll not find pink shirts on these waters. You'll not find waders on the fishers. You'll not find wide pull-outs nor well worn trails. All you will find is eager fish, solitude, woodsy noises, and lots of bear poop. You may even find a bear or two.
.. We firmly believe that the fisher folk that visit Yellowstone National Park are made up of, those. (at least 85%,) that want to catch a fish in the fabled waters of the park.
.. They want to drive up to the water, saunter to the right place, strut their gear and finery, and gather up a bit of fish porn for the folks back home.
.. Even so, we've been threatened with a complete cut-off of suds at the pub if we are too specific about the really nice places to fish.
.. We suggest, (no glory here,) the following:
1} Tower Creek. If you ask about it, be sure to ask about when the informant last fished there.
2} Obsidian Creek. Be sure to fish the tangles in the meadows away from the trail.
3} Winter Creek. The name is familiar to some. They may have even fished it in their youth.
4} Firehole River. The upper reaches in the giant valley beyond Lone Star Geyser. You might want to get a two day back country camping permit.
5} Gallatin River. The reach where all the bears are. Up above the confluence with Fan Creek.
6} Pebble Creek. Hidden in the large, long valley behind Baronette Peak with views of Thunderer. You'll need legs if you enter at the upstream end and walk down to Soda Butte Creek. You'll also need a camping permit, lots of DEET, bear spray, and a bit of appreciation for fish so eager that you can't keep them off of your hook. (even a bare one!)
7} Specimen Creek. Obey the signs about fishing and bears. Both are important. Fish here only if you enjoy shade in the summer and catch rates of 20 - 40 fish per hour.
.. Of course there are a few more places - but - just a note: opening day on the Yellowstone River saw fairly low water, bugs aplenty, and only a few fishers in the good spots, and some of them caught the fabled giant Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout. You should've been there: the drizzle was grand.