MSU Collaborators Suggest It

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Jell-O, ultrasound, microwaves and electroshocking are among the possible solutions for lake trout in Yellowstone National Park, says Al Zale, Unit Leader of the Montana Cooperative Fishery Research Unit at Montana State University. Lake trout, which were introduced illegally into the park, threaten native cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake. To find the best way to destroy lake trout eggs, Zale received a grant from the National Park Service. He and his collaborators will analyze several potential solutions and recommend the best. If Jell-O is chosen, it would probably be unflavored, Zale said. Workers could spread it over the fish eggs to smother them. Zale added that it would seem efficient to get rid of the eggs during spawning season, which occurs primarily during late fall. They know where the eggs are located because of past telemetry studies.
.. Did you know that the Pick Handle Barracuda is also know as the the "JELLO FISH?" World record for Sphyraena Jello is 29 pounds, 12 ounces.