Brisk Mornings

.. Administrative travel in Yellowstone National Park is pleasant right now. Photo-ops abound. Get a government job and see the gentle mantle of snow growing by the day - but not too quickly.
.. The streamer fishing on the South Fork of the Madison River hasn't picked up as yet, but the fish are really hungry. Try your favorite nymph [Yellowstone Badger] in larger sizes, (up to 8.) Also, the ever popular Winter Grub and

.. Empty open water and holding pools abound below the bridge. The thin water and willows between the bridge and the springs also holds some huge fish, if you're so inclined. Wading between the willow-tangles is nigh-on-impossible here and discouraged as well. The redds are visible, and so are the fish.
.. A 10' four weight rod with a #5 or #6 level line and short leader is the neighbors choice. This is really hunting rather than fishing. Usually one cast (read "dap") is all you can get. Make it good.
.. The whole staff at the Trout Underground [#1, #2] is working on both the Klamath & Pitt Rivers situation. These are clicks worth your time.
.. You can also keep up on the Klamath situation at "HYDROFORM" postings of dam stuff from around the country.