Check Them All Out
.. Jeff Kennedy is nearly done. 
.. DRAWING FLIES 365 is the saga of a fly fishing artist that challenged himself to draw a fly a day for a year. Jeff is the artist and the site documents not only the flies, but gives us a glimpse into the life of this talented artist.
.. His images range from 'found materials,' through sticks in the snow, to Photoshop manipulations, linocuts, sidewalk chalk, and traditional techniques.
.. He has used driftwood on Yellowstone Lake's beaches, burnt sticks from a Boy Scout campfire, a stick in the snow, bison poop, water colors,

.. The saga is now about over and we've been treated to both artistic insight and talent in a rare form. The daily discipline was self imposed in order for Jeff to "find his voice" and explore techniques. We've been treated to this and more. We have peeked into his life and family. Their vacations and eating habits have poked through in the telling of the tale. Thanks Jeff.

.. Most of the originals have sold out. Some prints are still available. Jeff has promised a "wrap-up" sale at the end of the year with a list of remaining prints and originals.
.. Maybe next year he will exercise his talents and show us a bit more of "BROOK, flyfishings original pinup girl." We're waiting for the calendar!

.. Fish the big fish in the Madison River, fish the big fish on the South Fork,

.. Just because Yellowstone Park closes it's gates doesn't mean the fish stop running. In fact, this year it's better now than the last month.
.. It's a poorly held secret that the big fish wait for the water-pounding and thrashing to stop before they start

.. This year the weather has cooperated and fishers have no need for a snowmachine to access the hides and holes in the willow thickets. It's rare but it happens.
.. The skiers woes are the fly fisher's joy. Get thee to the river there's just over a week before the open season ends and there's no snow in sight.
.. Streamer fishing has finally kicked in and the monsters have arrived. You'll have to wheedle information out of some crusty old local, or do it the old fashioned way. The fish are here and in very good numbers. Don't catch 'em all.