.. Surprisingly, (or not so!) the old farts in the neighborhood are "knockin'em ded" on drowned groundhog flies and maggots: under the ice at Hebgen Lake, of course.

.. Again, (just like last year,) the town is suffering a shortage of both meal worms and maggots. Crusty critters of the all-season-fisher variety are doing well despite the lack of wiggly carnivores and snow depths of 5 or more feet.
.. The trick, learned before maggots and

.. Interestingly the best illustration of this fly is in a blog about Terriers - Terrierman's Daily Dose. Excellent original references to this fly, (and others using groundhog fur,) are found at The recipe is simple, straightforward, and the one given here is from that source:
Hook: Photo shows size 14 Tiemco 100.Thread: Color and size to suite. Photo shows Danville 6/0. Abdomen: Dub the rear half or two-thirds of the hook shank with woodchuck dubbing made from underfur. Directions for making dubbing are in the article Working Wonders With Woodchuck. I used the dubbing-loop technique here. Hackle/Legs: Dry fly hackle to match the hatch. Photo shows cree-colored rooster saddle hackle over the front half to one-third of the hook shank.
.. Fished well waxed and dry, this is a very corky fly that is well suited to our boisterous waters. Tied in the smaller sizes, (down to 18, for those with nimble fingers,) this is a genuine killer as a generic nymph or maggot imitation - sans flotation, hackle, and with short fur - of course.
.. We lost all of ours in 30" trout between the lakes or we'd show you some. They will be illustrated on the flies page as soon as we tie some more.