... Thank Poseidon for good rain gear. There was a time when waxed cotton and rubber took second place to a fine piece of tightly woven wool. No more, and it's a blessing.
... There's a new pop-up widget for links, no surprises! Try it out:
Trout Underground
Moldy Chum
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Ranger Gord (where are you?)
Wild Rivers Outfitters
Seiad Vally Guid Service
Moldy Chum
Get Outdoors
Ranger Gord (where are you?)
Wild Rivers Outfitters
Seiad Vally Guid Service
There's a new site format in the works that will place all posts and notes about any given river, or fly, or whatever together. No more clicking about the site to find posts about your favorite stream, river, fly, hatch, etc. Hope it's done in about 140 days.
... Some pictures before dinner.