Here's Looking At You Babe.
One Good Thing!
.. Back in September we posted three notes, ( #1, #2, #3,) about The Baghdad School OF Fly Fishing.One Good Thing!

.. A birthday update has been posted, and you're invited to the party.
.. There are some spectacular realistic flies being tied by contributors to this effort and it's worth the site visit to see them.

.. The majority of the fish being caught are Asp & Carp. These are large, powerful and handsome fish that will test the mettle of anyone. Good show!
.. And, as a reminder; should you want to join some of the interested helpers, please do! There is a list of flies and material types that are most needed posted on the site. If you have flies that you would like tested give it a shot. You can see who is helping out the effort (here.)
.. Thanks again to Joel and to Bill Jones for introducing this sport to our troops. Down time during war is precious, and next to home and family this is a great way to salvage some sanity and serenity.