It's a big, big, park.
Plan to fish
the good water
& some new water.
This will inform your
flies and yourself.
It's quite some time before Yellowstone Park opens for fishing. We're going to fish less than 6 miles from home and there will be only us and the neighbors on the water. We'll park on the road, and walk 200 yards to the first place. We'll meet the neighbors there and joke about tourists and guides with their salavating jowls and ribald jokes. Yes good planning is also about anticipation. We've already decided where to go, so the anticipation grows.
The late morning will be full of fish, and fish stories. We'll have lunch, (home-made pastrami sandwiches, Cole slaw, home-made potato chips, some gentle Australian red wine and a bit of shortbread, and good conversation,) then we'll go to the rapids below the big pool at "Mom's Hole," for the afternoon.
"Mom's Hole" has no name, outside of local knowledge, and is as close to guarenteed as any fishing can be. It's as good as a trout farm, but without the crowds and kids. It's just like you see in the books, constriction to the head, pool with rocks and downed timber, gentle shoaling to riffles and a good bend below the tail. We could get rich just bringing visitors to this place - but then where would we have lunch on opening day?
Our flies will be simple and effective, we'll watch for the evening hatch - it happens even in the rain - and we'll enjoy the day and be home for the crock pot beef stew and some robust California Cabernet.
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