Good Eats

..Of course the fishing on the Elk River just happens to be spectacular right now.
.. Of course the sun is making the leaden clouds a bit brighter. Of course the weekend was wet and wonderful. And, certainly, there is need for sustenance.
.. Drop in at the Langlois Market. Replenish the cooler, grab some vittles, and partake of a genuine slow roasted hot dog - with some of Muriel's finest homemade mustard. The best on the planet.
..The market is a font of information, the local social center, and has a couple of nice Roosevelt Elk on the wall. Shop in style and grace along the Oregon coast.
.. Don't tell Lee that we sent you. It could be hazardous to your health. By the way, the hot dogs can be purchased in a vacuum pack for eating later. Mustard is rationed to a single bucket per customer. Boy, it is very good.
.. Unlike the Buster Boys, we've no special insight into mushroom gathering. So our chanterelles came from the produce aisle. Yum!
..The golden orb appeared briefly yesterday and frightened local mothers and pets. The residents ran for the shade of trees or tall buildings as the bright light interrupted the normal gray fog of the season.
.. Back to the river today. The Chetco River has gathered up visitors from the far corners of the world: the catching is that good. It looks like the sun has appeared for a second day in a row. Meteorologists are not holding out any hopes for a tree day run.