Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thick Or Thin ?

60# Kings
steelies sighted - crowds aplenty

.. After a good opening week, the water on the Chetco River has slowed - and so has the catching.
.. A week of rain should provide the needed bump to bring in some more fish. It looks like MOM is going to cooperate.
.. This brief report brought to you by the anticipatory weather scan.
.. Pray for drearyness and increased, (but not catastrophic,) river flows. Beware the winds. Trees are falling.
.. Fly folks on the Chetco River are a distinct minority. The gear folks tolerate us with a smirk and a smile. They cheer when we hook up. We hope to be there in a week or so. The river has one of the highest recruitment of Wild King Salmon of any river. The steelies like this because they follow and gorge themselves on the roe. YUM!
.. Some of the folks around the harbor in Brookings, Oregon - and further inland are connoisseurs of the traditional. They, (and we as well,) tie RAT's, GP's, Durham Rangers, and so forth. Instead of putting them on the wall in a shadow box they rip lips with them.
.. The current debate is just how THICK  --  OR  --  THIN should the wing be? And, is a hair wing acceptable? Squirrel, or elk, or calf. This is the sort of thing that wars are fought over.
.. We'll update you.