Thursday, October 15, 2020

Mark Your Calendar


A Death In The Family ?

some new data revealed


.. Future tourists to Yellowstone National Park may find a forest where Old Faithful is now. Recent data collected by the U.S.G.S. combined with previous data suggests a timeline for the cessation of eruptions in the Upper Geyser Basin, (yes even Old Faithful.)

.. Radiocarbon dates on wood from the geyser mound combined with lengthening eruption intervals point to a cessation of eruptions in the near, (geological,) future. Our current, (and trending climate regime,) is most like the Medieval Climate Anomaly [LINK.] That was a time, about 800 years ago, when the North Atlantic Ocean was warmer than it is now.

All manner of human historic events occurred during that time: Norse discovered Greenland, Norse discovered North America, prolonged droughts affected the Great Basin and the Native Americans living there, Chico Canyon and Pueblo Bonito in the southwest were abandoned, etc.


>> Live Science,

>> Fox News,

>> Wikipedia,



.. Very Big fish this year in the Lower Madison River. Avoid the Conga Lines. Cover lots of water. Bundle up. Bring warming libations. Mash a sandwich or two. Don't give up. Use big flies.

.. The dense run of big fish seems to be a bit later this year. Global warming or reduced pressure or just plain magic? Get out there now!



