Saturday, July 04, 2020

Three For Right Now

Use These Today
find the slow water

.. When the fisher folks just downstream from you are catching six to your one - try these. Nothing fancy. Not too small. Not hard to tie. Just good trout foolery!
skittering midge
.. We finished grocery shopping early: before the visitors rolled out. Got it all in fridge and stashed for the week. Now, on to Notellum River for the early rising dance partners. We're taking the Skittering Midge for a short walk. Looks to be a warm and lazy day.
.. The neighbors snelled up a couple of dozen flies for us. The eyes went first, then the legs; now there are spots and shakes = glad to be alive! Have a happy Fourth of July🇺🇸.
.. The Yellowstone Park  'elbow brigade' was out in force yesterday. Lots of fancy gear and kit on the water. We wish them well.
WALLPAPER:  Salsiccia Calabrese, Munster, Rye