Wednesday, January 08, 2020


Apology Tendered
here's two more winners

.. At the warm corner of a less visited watering hole we gathered  to warm ourselves. In addition to mundane topics we elicited some stories and insight into the success of the hardy folk who had just returned from the frozen nooks and crannies of the South Fork Estuary.
.. In the most collegial fashion they gave up their prized knowledge. They shared places, techniques and, fly choices. They are pleased to invite other folks to enjoy the wonders of easy catching during this brief early winter window of opportunity.
.. We agreed to share the patterns of the successful fly selections (LINK.) Of course our age degraded neurons omitted a couple of fly selections used in their catching frenzy. We were reminded of this lapse and, did then  - and - do now, apologize. The flies above accounted for their fair share of the snakes returning from sexual shenanigans to Hebgen Reservoir.
.. Some Baetis nymphs are a reddish orange color. We suppose that the Prickly Carrot could be taken for one of those. That was the rational for the pattern offered by it's originator: sizes 14 - 10.
.. The Spider Midge  is a multi purpose pattern. In the summer it works as an ant or spider imitation, In the winter it works as a midge and a snow fly: sizes 18 - 12.
.. As our weather teeter totters between snow and fog we continue to hold out some hope for more snow and less cold or warm. Right now the fog is thick as the air continues to warm to temperatures above freezing.
.. The oh-so-wise and, learned weather mavens have promised more snow. We'll see.