Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Fowl Holiday

Bind It 
bake it
.. The bird is done and sundered. The neighbors are pleased and, we'll compensate with a steak tomorrow.
Frugal Repast By Picasso
.. For us this day is about stock taking.We are alive and in relatively good health - (age considered.) We can share a not too frugal repast with friends and other neighbors. The snow has held off long enough for us to properly put the garden to bed and to prep the vehicles for he cold period of our calendar.
.. Our taste for football has diminished as time has passed and the game has changed. The names are mysterious and the penalties are strangely bizarre.
.. In our day we wore aluminum cleats screwed into the soles of split cowhide high top shoes. We remember the introduction of light weight kangaroo low top shoes - my my.
.. Time was when kickers had flat toed shoes and punters could drop kick for 40 yards. The single wing was viable and blocking used no hands, Grass was nurtured to reduce the bare ground that expanded throughout the season. The Super Bowl was an after thought and the Rose Bowl usually hosted the best game on the radio.
.. Those were the days. Thanksgiving often seemed a chore - but a pleasant one. Turkey was mandated and the marshmallows were the worst part. The golden fog of time has not erased the memories of sneaking down to the pond at the park, With small safety pins and scraps of popcorn we would catch 3-inch long sunfish and bring them home to die in a used paper cup.
.. No "fish pole" was necessary. A bit of precious kite string or some of grandma's floss would work just fine. On rare occasion the fish lasted until we could put them in the sink in the bathroom. They quickly succumbed and did the back stroke in their final minutes.
.. Today we mix beer and, wine and, lies and, laughter. It's just about as pleasant as the past and, our sensibilities are not even ruffled by the use of paper plates.
.. Preparation is less formal, now, in our neighborhood. No lemon juice and baking soda to polish the silver. No fancy napkins to fold. No crocheted table dressing over the white linen tablecloth. No pass the whatever or eat the thirds in the kitchen.
.. Now we just cram cubes of dried bread in the anal orifice of a turkey and call it good. We pretend that this is a holiday for the family and not the beginning of the Christmas season.  $$$$$$
.. There's a gentle snow predicted for the next few days. We will fish some and visit a pub to catch up. Rumors are rife this time of year - there being so few fish stories and  such. The town has had the Christmas lights up for a full three weeks already. The parade and merchant stroll is making headlines in the local rag. High school football is done and "vacation" looms. 'Tis a fully modern little village that we inhabit. We're thankful.