Friday, April 26, 2019

Off Topic

Sailboat Race
two years to go


.. The boats are faster than our old fishing car. The sail boats competing in the 36th AMERICA'S CUP CHALLENGE, in 2021, are just now taking to the water for trials and shakedowns, [HISTORY.]
.. The most recent integration of computer technology and aqua-dynamics have brought these boats to the point of flying on the water.
.. Many years ago, (in another life,) we were the proud owners of a hole in the water that we poured all of our extra cash into. A telling experience and a lesson well learned.
.. Long ago we did venture to Perth, Australia to see TEAM USA finally lose the Cup - for the first time since winning it in the first race in 1851.
.. The trophy cup, (named after the ship AMERICA,) has a history almost as storied as the race to possess it, [CUPL.]
.. Peripheral to our interests, now, is this competition that has expanded to include some competitors of the economic giants of our world - both countries and corporations.
.. For the cynical; the history of the race can be viewed as the recent history of our economic expansion around the world. We're waiting for the first competitive entry from China. A large and, largely unknown stage for international competition on multiple levels. SUCH A DEAL!
.. The competition has progressed to the point that 'mules' and complete test boats are built - just to test new ideas for the formula. The one design formula is supposed to allow competition to be equalized among the boats. It is analogous to FORMULA ONE racing.
.. BUT, and it's a big but - some teams always manage to find loopholes and fudgefactors that give them the advantage. Thus the technology and skills are advanced.
.. The next challenge will be in boats using the foil cant system, [FOIL.] Many of the current test boats, (costing hundreds of thousands of dollars,) are on the water [WATER.] Such is the nature of testing and perfecting concepts and, hardware and, software, [CLASS RULE.]
.. We've come a long way in the last 170+ years. Big business is required for big sports, (NBA, NFL, PGA, etc.) Now we can watch.
.. It's a soft and drippy day. The kids from the 'hood' are streaming in from a morning of torment for themselves and the fish. Report tomorrow.
WALLPAPER:  It's not beluga but tastes pretty good; Osetra Karat caviar, crème fraîche, scallion tips on baby blini