Sunday, March 10, 2019

Tempus Fugit

how's your lag ?
.. By now we have stumbled around in the dark and set all of our clocks to the "right" time.
.. We've learned to fiddle with time in ways that would make even Albert cringe.
.. Pick a number and use it. Now we set the clocks ahead one hour: this effectively moves an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening, giving us those long summer nights.
.. Some fishers relish in the thought that they get to fish longer - poo! We can fish just as long as we want - the clock be damned.
.. There are some imagined, (or documented,) results of the 'Spring Shift.'  There is: increased spending, higher risk of heart attacks, missed appointments, more car accidents for a few days, longer prison sentences, decreased satisfaction with life in general (and increased use of the word Tired).  There are many others.
.. So, we've lost one!! The light and time cues for our circadian rhythms have been jiggled. It should take a day or two for most folks to adjust to this bit of a time warp, (shades of
“The Rocky Horror Picture Show”.)
..  Virgil Would really enjoy our messing in the puddle of time. His is the first use of "TEMPUS FUGIT,"  (tempus inreparable fugit.) The best translation is something like: "it escapes, irretrievable time."
.. Gone but not forgotten, gather rosebuds,  a stitch in, and so many others. No wonder, indeed, that Albert could while away the hours in his head with mental experiments -  E = mc2.
.. Check out the tyranny of Day light saving rime, [LINK.] 
.. Well the temperature continues to climb and the white is becoming gray. Soon puddles the size of Rhode Island will be captured between the mounded snow on our streets. Hijinks of all sorts will enable visitors and neighbors to enjoy the splashing.
.. Given our current state of temporal discombobulation we're going to take a nap and see if we can recapture that hour. At our age we can ill afford to lose any time. In our dreams.