Sunday, January 13, 2019

Third World Country ?

Do You Notice ?
watch inflation grow
.. While the economic model in the United States concentrates on hoarding patents and developing products in a 2 - 3 year cycle, the eastern model is open source and, copy and, improve products in a weekly or monthly cycle.
.. As we whine and litigate rather than compete, both India and China are poised to boast economies larger than the United States in the next 10 years (LINK-1.)
.. As the United States continues it's current policy of disengagement from the world, the rest of the world is engaging in new trade alliances and rapid growth in contemporary technology and service sectors.

Lockheed F-16's made in India

.. If you are young enough, you will live to see the United States become a second tier country in the world economic picture.
.. With no change in our trajectory of false pride our children and grandchildren could see us become a third world country.
..With Lockheed moving to India we begin to see the sort of global engagement that the private sector is aware of (LINK-2.) We need to think globally and act internationally.
.. Soon "made in China" and "made in India" will become prestige labels and, "made in America" will fall to the level of "hecho en Mexico."
.. The rest of the world does not cotton to the idea that point of origin is determinate of quality for all products. Time was that electronics and photographic products were best made in America. The world bought from us because of quality. Those days are gone.
.. We saw and poo-poohed the automobile revolution until it was too late.
.. We now poo-poo open source and rapid turnaround of product lines not made in our pedestrian mode of innovation.
.. Tradition is grossly overrated - just ask Hardy of Alnwick. Why have they introduced a new brand and, new reels made abroad? How have their $800 dollar reels been doing? Hell, the old ones sell for even more to collectors. Such a deal.
.. Perhaps it is socially and psychologically comforting to prop up coal mining and déclassé automotive production.
.. Perhaps it is best for our national psyche to demean those of other nations and ethnicities. Perhaps it is perfectly fine to import workers from abroad rather than educate for technological and industrial change.
.. Perhaps - or - perhaps not. We will see in a couple of decades. Have some offspring if you don't worry about their future. Have many of them - we will need folks to repair our crumbling infrastructure and, our rotting factories. Hell, the Chrysler building is for sale - by foreign owners - they know.
.. There are exceptionally good bits and pieces of tackle being manufactured in Asia.
.. Hell's bells that's where our commercial flies come from.  The market is not big enough for a marketing push - yet. But some new fishers are are more than satisfied with their imported  offerings.
.. Will there be a larger thrust into the wader market? Boots market? Rod market? Vest market? More than now?
.. The quality is excellent, the price is right and, the barroom prestige is low.
.. As long as American fly fishers succumb to peer pressure that extols obsolescence and ignores excellence we shall continue to have the provincial attitude that will bring about our third world status {LINK-3.}
.. Of course there will always be the committed traditionalist that demands that their camera be made in Germany - even with an American Name.  Some even demand German cameras made in Germany with hand ground lenses and bodies assembled by elves.
.. And of course, fly fishers and camera geeks will not be able swing our perspective on world trade and our diminished economic status.
.. They will, probably, continue to exhibit our national mentality that ignores the modern international/intercontinental world and our place in it.
.. Are we the world's policeman? Are we leaders in the international sphere of human rights? Do we cooperate with other nations in combating international terror and imperialist aggression?
.. Do we engage in multi national conversations about long term effects of industrial, agricultural, social, and national actions in the environmental sphere?
.. OR, do we use Leica IIIF cameras, Hardy Perfect reels, and drive Lincoln Continentals or Navigator SUV's. We can guess. Teach your grandchildren to say "Number Three." it's O.K.  Why be Number One anyway?
.. It's been almost blindingly bright. The sun really is electric when the overcast evaporates.
.. Makes it tough for the visitors with fancy cameras.
.. Folks that rely on their cell phones do better than the "real Photographers."
.. Ah, more technological lag. Look at the leap that Sony made with mirrorless cameras that both Canon and Nikon poo-poohed.
.. Now they are here. SIGH!!!
.. Fishing is in the offing at Notellum Backwater. We've made the commitment and shall drag these bones there. We'll take a heavy bamboo rod with a 70 year old reel. To heck with being first - the Chinese can win.