Monday, December 10, 2018

Join The Party

Atmosphere Lagging
not so snowy
Typical El Niño Pattern - courtesy NOAA
.. The dance performed by our aqua sphere and atmosphere has gotten the weather guys stuttering.
.. The water in the eastern Pacific Ocean is warm enough to satisfy the criterion for El Niño but the atmosphere is a bit reluctant to join the party.
A Winter Mix Of Rain And Snow
.. The ocean water was quick to the party and was ready as early as last October. The air however, has been slow to participate because of a recalcitrant mother. It looks like mom is about to relent and allow the sweet air daughter to dance.
.. We anticipate an "official" El Niño declaration in the next few days. 
.. Up here we have noticed that the Spring snowfall is lagging behind normal a wee bit. We would hope that we do not get too warm or rains can come at any time.
Prediction = A Beery Winter
.. The high country has an extensive but shallow base of the white stuff. Around here there is still enough snow on the ground for sledheads to have a safe journey on the trails. Wandering off trail in a snowmobile right now could be hazardous to your health. Snags and, sage and, roots and, fencing and, divots are not sufficiently covered yet.
.. It's tough to predict the effects of any El Niño at this point in the weather cycle. Retrodiction is always much easier. We're hoping for enough snow to provide good runoff and consistent stream flow for next year. We'll keep you informed.
.. The neighbor kids have migrated from the estuaries to the water Between The Lakes.
.. Reports of early submarine arrival have trickled into the pubs and dusty aisles of the feather merchants.
.. No redds have yet been spotted in the spawning water and fish are boisterous and seeking their own dance partners.
.. There are even reports of late caddis and mayfly sightings. No cell phone photos though!
.. Stick with  subsurface or film patterns and start tying 'winter rejects' - they seem to work best. Join the party and dance.