Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Apropos Of Nothing

Sexist Appeal ?
a robyn roy for you ?

.. Diageo just announced that some bottles of Johnnie Walker Black Label Scotch will now carry a woman on the label.
.. The new moniker will appear in limited numbers in the U.S.A. and should be available tomorrow or, as soon as your local spirits merchant figures it out (LINK-1, LINK-2.)
.. This push by Diageo, the worlds number two producer of spirits, is designed to make sure that women know that it's O.K. to drink Scotch Whiskey. [[ The largest distiller in the world is Kweichow Moutai in China.]]
.. The fly fishing world has also jumped on the "market to women" bandwagon over  the last few years.
.. We're alert to these trends and wonder if women feel that they need to be told that it's O.K. to fish with a fly or to drink scotch whiskey.
.. We'd like to make it clear that both are just fine - thank you. Here in America it's also fine if women enjoy any freedoms that men - or other sexed beings enjoy.
.. The neighbors are currently discussing names for future forays into fly tying and naming: starting with the "Royal Coachwoman," and extending to the "Boudoir Vac."
.. We intend to monitor this trend and will provide alerts when fly rods come in shades of pink with petticoats and skirts.
.. Well, the dumping of white stuff has paused for a day or so. Clean up is proceeding apace with the city crews working double shifts to get the streets back in shape.
.. Old-timers can be heard remarking that it looks just like the olden days. We haven't had a three foot dump in recent memory but, 31 inches over the last three days is nice to see.
.. We're in the midst of another mid-life morning and the whiskey news guarantees that we'll probably put on the coffee and rustle up some grub to tame the growl in the pit.
.. Nap time should come about daylight.