Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Mind Wanders

Oh So Soon
now: the ineffable
.. In just four days the winter solstice will be upon us. How now? Here, in the high country, it does not pass unnoticed.
.. Despite our love of this little village and it's setting in winter  we do have a little more time for the things that require less mobility and activity.
.. Our skiing days are fast coming to an end. Ice fishing no longer calls us. Bar hopping sends way too much money to the sewage lagoon. Wood chopping and splitting does take some time though. Moving the white stuff is also required.
.. Reading, right now, is not the luxury that is in the warmer times. It is a habit long nurtured and cherished. While we are reading there are things that come to mind. Between passages, paragraphs, chapters, and books, the ineffable claws to the surface of consciousness.
.. Nameless and ethereal bits poke from the fog of the synaptic jungle between our ears. On occasion thoughts form. Infrequently ideas are pondered. Time disintegrates and is not missed or noticed.
.. The mental whirlwind slows to the reality of perception, desire, regret, volition, purpose, needs, or other base bits of our existence.
.. Winter is good for pondering the ineffable. It is that transcendent substrate that psychologists and other behaviorists seek to codify. Codifications end with the "name it and, nail it syndrome."
.. Just as if assigning a name in some way imparts understanding - HAH! Would that it were so. The open ended ambiguity of words plagues the conscious mind and verbal speech. Humpty Dumpty knew this: why don't political pundits and psychologists? The words need definition  --  and then some.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”
.. So: beyond words or, beneath words or, without words there is this mental stuff that, (on occasion,) comes near to being perceived. Winter is a good time for this in our high country.
.. One deep bubble recently burst into reality, (of sorts.) The thought formed with a surprisingly vivid presence. Perhaps there are fish to be caught in other reaches of our globe.
.. Perhaps there are warmer places during the winter time. Perhaps they will take a fly. Perhaps they will take a worm. Perhaps they will come to the surface. They may even  fly through the air and put a trout to shame. Could it be?
.. Then, perhaps there is stuff other than flies and worms that fish will eat. Could it be?
.. The thought moved toward an idea. The idea seemed to embellish itself. The embellishments became images and flickered into a movie.
.. Roads, mountains, prairies, deserts, trees, oceans and rivers. Such was the vision that emerged from the ineffable æther in the gray stuff beneath my balding pate.
.. Perhaps Florida, San Diego, Corpus Christi, Louisiana, Mexico, New Zealand, or other places.  Perhaps!